365 Project 2011

365 Project Day 332: Cowboy Tells a Christmas Story

December 1, 2011

Story Time

Canon 5D Mark ll, 24-70 2.8L, 2.8 aperture, 1/25 shutter, 100 ISO, Alien B800 to camera left in a large soft box at 1/16 power.

Cowboy asked if he could tell a Christmas story, and since he does not have a blog of his own, I told him I would let him use this one every now and then. You may recall some of his wisdom that he shared on day 122 of this project. Anyway, I now give the floor to Cowboy (who insisted on dressing the part for his story).

“Once there was a very special family who had an amazing dog named Cow.. er, uh, Bob. His name was Bob. And he we was a golden retriever, like me. Anyway, this family got a very sparkly tree and put it up in the house. They did this every year at Christmas, and, er, Bob thought it was very special. The best part about the tree was that it had a ginormous bowl of water at the bottom of it and the water tasted like Christmas. (At least that’s what Bob told me.)”

It Tasted Like Christmas

“One day, while the family was gone for a very, very long time, Bob got very, very thirsty. Yes, he had water in his own bowl, but the sparkly-tree water was soooo refreshing to Bob. So…”

"I Like This Part!"

“Indiana, don’t interrupt me!”

“As I was saying. So, Bob thought he would have just a small drink from the refreshing bowl at the bottom of the sparkly tree. After all, it was Christmas time! So Bob nosed his way in through all the clinking toys that were hanging on the tree. There were so many of them. Just a little further… and then he was in! He lapped up the water with delight, just taking small sips, but before long, it was all gone. ‘Uh oh’, Bob thought to himself. He knew master would not like this. So, Cowboy, I mean Bob began to back out carefully.

"I Saw the Whole Thing"

“As I was SAYING, Bob began to back out very, very carefully, but his big fluffy tail got caught on a branch or something, and he heard a big noise. Bob ran very fast in reverse! You should have seen it. It was very cool!  The next thing he knew the big sparkly tree was on the floor and the toys were all broken. Bob went into the corner and hid. He knew master would be very upset when he got home.”

It was Very Scary

“It seemed like hours went by. Bob could not think about anything else. He kept seeing master’s face all crinkled up. He did not like that face at all. Then he came up with a plan! When master came home, he would act extra-cute! Master loved the cute, especially mommy master. She could not resist the cute! So, he practiced making his eyes big and round and stretching his paws back and forth and making his cute noises. He felt this would work for sure! Master would not even see the tree and the broken toys.”

Practicing the Cute

"This is the Cute, Cowboy."

“Then he heard the door open and he got ready with all of his cuteness, although he was kind of nervous inside. It was mommy master! He was in luck! So, when she came in, he pretended he did not see the sparkly tree on the ground. But she saw it and began to get very loud. Her face turned very red as she picked up the broken toys. Bob got ready to show his cuteness. She yelled at Cowboy, I mean BOB, for what seemed like forever. She kept asking the same question. ‘Did YOU do this? Did YOU do this?’ Bob heard her the first time. It seemed like she was stuck. So Bob stretched out his paws, and made his cute sound, rounding out his eyes as much as possible. Her face changed a little. Then mommy master began to smile. It was working! But, then she looked at the tree again and she stopped smiling. It had only worked for a minute. Bob left the room and doesn’t know what happened after that. The End.”

"That's an Abrupt Ending"

It's my Story

Well, I guess that’s it for Cowboy’s Christmas story.

I think it may be based on a true story with the names changed to protect the innocent, or the guilty in this case.

Looking forward to a joyful and happy Christmas season, whether the tree falls this year or not. (Last year we ended up bungee-cording it to the bannister.:)

Happy Thursday, everyone!

Proverbs 17:22 ~”A joyful heart is good medicine,”

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  • Reply Dinah December 1, 2011 at 9:01 am

    Soooooooo Cute! Loved this Mary! Awe…….<3

  • Reply Elizabeth December 1, 2011 at 10:12 am

    Love this little story…made me smile! I enjoy all your blog post, you are such a gifted photographer and writer!

  • Reply Ashlee December 1, 2011 at 10:29 am

    What sweet pictures! I know this project has probably been a hard commitment (to try to think of something to write and what pictures to take/post EVERY day)….but I look forward to reading your blog every day! 🙂 Love your pictures!!

  • Reply Flora December 1, 2011 at 11:12 am

    Too cute and adorable, I’m sure it’s a Christmas Cowboy, I mean Bob never forgot 😀

  • Reply Courtney December 1, 2011 at 7:22 pm

    Oh man, this made me laugh out loud through the whole story. “Bob” must have come to visit my house a few times around Christmas too, as strangely, I’ve had the exact same experience.
    My favorite part was “Bob heard her the first time. It seemed like she was stuck.”
    Too funny! Thanks for the laugh!

    • Reply maryanne December 3, 2011 at 10:58 pm

      Your response to this blog made my day! Thank you for reading, and good luck with the “Bobs” in your house!:)

  • Reply Bonnie December 5, 2011 at 10:11 pm

    This looks like a great children’s story.

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