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365 2014

  • 365 Project 2014

    365 2014 Day 55 Last Year’s Lace

    I am drawn to them, the remnant of last year’s hydrangeas now softly suspended in the front garden. “I see you” I say to them. I see their truest form, their inmost makings now…

    February 25, 2014
  • Portraits

    365 2014 Day 54 Not so Fast

    Not so fast, Winter. Where do you think you are off to? I am not ready to relinquish the peaceful days of quiet that you bring. How I loved your cold nights that forced…

    February 25, 2014
  • 365 Project 2014

    365 2014 Day 53 Sunset Rider

    This boy has my heart. We chatted on the way to church today about the good old days, when there was more time for dirt bike riding and exploring in the woods. This is…

    February 24, 2014
  • 365 Project 2014

    365 2014 Day 52 Love

    I love this photo of Samantha and Michael that I took during their engagement session. They will be married next month. I am honored to be part of love their story, even in if…

    February 22, 2014
  • 365 Project 2014

    365 2014 Day 51 Katie Girl

    I was so thrilled when Katie decided spontaneously to come home tonight.  Chris and I stopped by the store on our way home and I hurried around the aisles getting the supplies to make…

    February 22, 2014
  • 365 Project 2014

    365 2014 Day 50 Sky

    I have to remind myself daily that this project isn’t about what I can do. This visual counting of gifts can often feel like it has to be contrived. Just like everything else when…

    February 21, 2014
  • 365 Project 2014

    365 2014 Day 49 Trust

    Just last week this hill was covered in snow. And yet, here they come. When I discovered them today in the lower pasture, the same pasture that I photographed boys on snow tubes last…

    February 20, 2014