
Releasing the Accounts

March 10, 2023

Recently I was in prayer and the Lord showed me a vision of a great colorful stream of his wind/river- the life and grace and mercy of His love- His Spirit. This river is moving swiftly around me, making a figure eight, then returning to envelop me and out again. The stream is moving around me so swiftly, brushing by my arms and I see that I am holding a list in my hands. It is a record of wrongs- the accounts of all of the hurts against me. As the Spirit rushes by me I begin releasing these records of wrongdoing into the stream and they are immediately engulfed and erased – dissolved into the stream.

This frees not only me but the person who created the hurts. One by one, the sheets are released from the clipboard into the river of His mercy.

I no longer feel the stress of holding onto these things. I no longer feel the need to hold anyone accountable.

I am free.


May it be so. My hands are open today, releasing the accounts and ready to receive from my merciful Father.

Thank you Jesus.

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  • Reply Ivan Benson March 10, 2023 at 3:31 pm

    Many years ago my friend Landon Saunders said, “Christians are practised in the art of forgiveness!” I appreciate when someone includes me in a group embued with positive traits, even though my own inner self can’t honestly identify. The truth is when he said that it actually enhanced my ability to forgive. My identity was transformed a degree or two simply by the assertion and inclusion.

  • Reply Annie Connors March 11, 2023 at 4:59 am

    OMG! I was gifted a painting at a conference in January that is almost exactly like your picture with the circular rainbow around you! To me, it is God’s glory holding back all the darkness. I’ll send it to you in FB messenger. I’d love to receive your blogs!

  • Reply Cheryl Powers March 14, 2023 at 12:20 pm

    I love this! Happy to be receiving emails from you again, I think it’s been several years, no idea what happened. Keep up the good work!

  • Reply Cheryl March 17, 2023 at 6:45 pm

    It is good to see your blog again. The evil one has been having a fine time these past few years, but if the curtain was parted for a moment I believe we would see angelic warriors armed with our prayers gaining back ground inch by inch.
    We have to fling away the demons of despair and remember to trust our faith in Jesus. The book of Isaiah explains a lot.

  • Reply Audra Lakatos April 20, 2023 at 8:53 am

    So beautiful! Thank you Mary Anne. I turn again and again to your blog and am always blessed by your gentle words. You are a gift in His loving hands.

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