
Puddle Sitting

September 2, 2010

When I was a little girl I used to sit in mud puddles. Ask my mom. Yeah, and I would eat ants too, but that’s another story. I have just always been a down to earth girl. Literally. Sometimes I feel most comfortable sitting in the dirt, feeling the warmth and texture of the earth and elements. I believe that is where the phrase comes from about “feeling grounded”.

I just know that when things get to crazy, sometimes I just have to go outside and sit amongst the flowers, or in a mud puddle. This is precisely what I did in the above picture. Me, at 44, sitting in a mud puddle, while peace infiltrated my being, like the water rushing into my Chuck Taylors. It had been a hard week, and I rushed outside like I often do, seeking God and sanity. It had just rained and I felt drawn to the reflections of the setting sun in the fresh puddles. Before I knew it I plopped right down in one.  I felt like a little girl again, and God was near. The warmth of the pavement mixed with fresh rain felt soothing under my hands.

Before I knew it I was lying on my stomach, trying to capture the shot of the sunset reflected in the water. I laughed out loud at myself wondering what my mom would say.

Amazing the perspective you can gain from a mud puddle.

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  • Reply cmo September 2, 2010 at 9:47 am

    The body (the eyes, the nerve ending in our toes, the felt textures of earth,etc.) is a very wide open door to spiritual connections. Perhaps when we close ourselves up in more adult boundaries like – “you can’t sit on the wet ground”, “you can’t play in the mud”, you can’t walk in the rain” – we are only making the front door to heaven’s acquaintance smaller. Shrunk by adult sensibilities.
    I love the pictures. They remind me that sometimes perspective is sometimes a matter of your chosen vantage point.

  • Reply Mom Morgan September 2, 2010 at 6:52 pm

    Play in the mud (water) girl. it is good for the soul..

  • Reply Sheryl September 3, 2010 at 4:13 am

    There is something so real and good about being literally grounded.

    Such a gorgeous post, my favourite so far Mrs Puddle Sitter : )

  • Reply Ann September 4, 2010 at 6:40 am

    Takes me back also. I would just bring you and put clean clothes on you and send you out again. I would like to see that little girl again, but hey, I guess I do through your pictures. I love them.

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