
Fresh Air

September 29, 2009

I admit it. Things have been tough lately. My son has been very sick for several weeks, first with a major colon infection for which he was hopitalized, and now with the flu. In addition, I have been sick for over a week with stomach issues, and it’s beginning to get to me.  Today, I felt so bad, had a sick child at home and it was unbelievably beautiful outside. The juxtaposition of  the brilliant sunshine and the gloomy indoors felt so frustrating to my artist’s heart.

Also, like most artists, I struggle with measuring my life by my accomplishments. When I am forced to slow down, ( and I continue to read every one else’s busy and exciting tweets), I  often feel depressed. Anyone? Anyone at all? Hmm, I don’t think I’m alone on this one.

Anyway, while I was crying on the phone to my husband today, he encouraged me to get outside. I hesitantly took his advice. My three dogs, (also depressed I think), happily accompanied me to the back pasture where the sun was setting.

There, I found God. Why am I always so surprised to find Him in nature? He speaks through the setting sun, the flare on my lens, the playfulness of my dogs as they run circles around me, the strong oak tree that stretches over the path. It felt like He was whispering to me consistently, “p.s. I love you”. I needed to hear that so badly. Remembering that I had a pin at home saying just that, I decided to place it in key places that I felt God’s presence, and photograph it there, so I could remember. Yes, He loves me. I am so thankful. He loves you too.





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1 Comment

  • Reply cmo September 30, 2009 at 9:07 am

    Very nice . . . refreshing actually. His voice is indeed like a door in the floor; always at our feet, always as close as the touch of something green. We open the door and walk into very spacious and colorful places – love unmatched among us humans.

    You are an amazing beauty gatherer, smiler, laugh-er and friend.
    Thank you for reminding me how close the uncommon love of God really is.

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