365 project 2016

Day 85 Easter Color

March 28, 2016
Easter Color

Easter Color

Last night I tried my hand at naturally dyeing some Easter eggs. I used purple cabbage, beets, tea, cumin and chili powder to get some unique colors this year. Just looking at them makes me happy. I thought they were a delightful compliment to the ranunculus that Katie and I found yesterday in our garden adventure.

Intentionally taking time to be creative is something I need to do to keep my soul healthy. I need to play. I have an appreciation for doing things that aren’t on a to-do list. This little project was a side path that I took in my day because I saw a friend’s lovely egg photos on Instagram. There are of course things I could have done instead. I could have definitely gotten two more loads of puppy blankets done in that time. But why would I let a to-do list steal the life right out of me?

Being creative and playful are characteristics of our Father God. When I allow myself to imagine that first week of creation, I sense his joy bounding at the seams. Can’t you just see him, laughing and breathless as he placed the stars into the velvety sky, or as he poured out silvery-shining fish into the bright blue ocean? And the wonder as he sculpted man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils? Yes, it was work, but wasn’t it also just so fun?

And he wants to share it all with us. His goodness is falling from his fingertips into our lives, every day.

Last week I shared with a friend the amazing truth that I learned from Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts. It is just this: when we count and document the (seemingly small) gifts that God gives us, we open them for ourselves over and over again. The best part? We are changed in the process. Gratitude reshapes our hearts by smoothing out the rough places, leaving room for the more that he has for us. We begin to see God and his goodness everywhere. These gifts are like breadcrumbs that lead us deeper and deeper into the sweetest life with him.

Remember to keep it simple. What was on my list this weekend?

1. Puppies and their sweet grunts and kisses.

2. Gentle rain that washes the pollen away.

3. The hands of my husband praying over my heart.

4. A sweet text from my sister.

5. Playing with dye and eggs on the back porch.


He is so good and I am rich indeed with his love and kindness.

Psalm 23:6 ~”Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Surrounded by Joy

Surrounded by Joy





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1 Comment

  • Reply Beverly Hudson March 28, 2016 at 9:46 am

    Oh my, the beauty of your words, the photos!! Gorgeous!! I, too, have forever been changed by Ann’s book and the lens I now look through. Oh so thankful that at times I feel like my skin will explode! More than I can contain! Oh the goodness of our LORD! He is always creating something beautiful, if we will just look.
    Thank you dear fellow so-journer.

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