Remembering Grace
Dear Husband,
Remember how the snow fell and it was magical? It felt like mercy falling straight from heaven, soothing our inconsistencies into grace and peace. I loved the expectation of it. When we heard it was coming we were like children anticipating being snowed in and held captive by beauty. Leaving behind our daily schedules seemed enticing, even if it was just for a little while. We built fires and gazed out windows at the wonder of it. We tucked the horses in the barn and gave them fresh hay. They also ceased from their grazing and rested happy in the stalls. I tried my best to capture it with my camera, to hold it with my heart.
I wanted it to stay. I loved your constant company.

Snowed In
Johnny brought his friends home to get snowed in with us and we had the laughter of kids in our home again. We gathered around hot stew and corn bread and asked each other about the highs and lows of the day. Most agreed the high was the hot stew in front of us. And the corn bread. I knew the high was us, all of us being together. The boys built ramps in the front pasture and sledded down on tubes after dark. I took pictures and marveled at the beauty. I loved every moment. You were always there. Your gift is your presence.

Grace Perched Sweetly
But my favorite moment? The one that imprinted itself upon my heart forever is the one that came after we sledded with boys, and after you helped me get my focus for every picture (by holding a flashlight to your face). It came after you lent me your warm gloves to cover my freezing fingers and after you encouraged me to go down the hill on our old sled “one time just for me”? It happened on the way back to house as we trudged through the deep snow dragging that old sled. My toes were numb and I felt so tired. You turned to me and said, “get on”.
You put me on the sled and you pulled me home.
All at once I was gliding. My heart filled at the sensation. I didn’t have to try anymore. All at once I was sailing over the places that once felt impossible. Because of you. This is what love feels like — to be lifted over the difficult surfaces by someone stronger, by someone who would take me home. Even now when I remember it, I exhale relief. I am a young girl again, awash in your strength and chivalry. You are my home.
Thank you for loving me so well, my husband.
You are my favorite memory. You have shown me what God’s love is like. How can I ever thank you enough for that? I have seen him through your sacrifice, your sheer determination to put me first (and pull my weight behind you).
When I remember this snow, this snowpocalyse, this snowmageddon? I will remember us– you stalwart at the helm, and me floating in the soft silence of a winter’s night.
I love you.
Ephesians 5:25-28 ~” Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting. Christ’s love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her, dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness. And that is how husbands ought to love their wives. ” The Message

Mercy Falling

Taking Flight

Leading Lines


Window Wonder

Horse Play

Snowy Fence Line

All the Way Home
Gorgeous. Every word, every picture. Thank you.
Amen….to sense God’s presence as you described is a reality Amen again and my favorite is the cardinal God sent your way to photograph.⛄️
Love, love,love this post!
Such a beautiful post. It is always encouraging to read words of love for a husband.
And I love, love, love this post. So beautiful in pictures and words. And I love you!
I’m new to your blog since January. To be honest I don’t even remember how I came across your blog, but in the most simplest of ways I have been so blessed. Your photography has filled my heart and soul with such delight. Today I thank God for your talent. It’s brought such joy. Warmly, Ginny
Thank you Ginny. I am blessed to have you here. Welcome.
I get your email everyday. I love the pictures and your words. I aspire to do well in my journey as I begin to write. I just started a blog sanctuaryholyhill@blogspot.com. I have much to learn, but I am learning as I see your post and I am encouraged by your blog. Thank you. If you have any advice I am open. Thank you so much.
God’s Glory is the only purpose worth giving and living.
I was deeply moved while reading this post. You captured more than images of snow (all lovely by the way); you captured the definition of love in your words. Thank you. Blessings!