365 Project 2014

365 2014 Day 5 Son of Mine

January 5, 2014

Wisdom and Stature

Dearest son of mine,

Can you possibly know how deeply proud of you I am? It seems like yesterday that I watched your daddy clutch you tight in his arms for the first time. I was proud then. We both were. You were our boy. Our son! When I watched you learn to ride your first bike, I stood on tip toe whispering prayers as your daddy pushed you down the street. Then just like that, you were off! Once you found your balance, there was nothing holding you back. For hours on end you would ride that bike up and down the street, over hills and into neighbors yards, just for the sheer joy of it. Aah, that smile that would spread across your face. It still lightens my load to see it. The amazing smile of my boy.

In the spring you will be 21. Where have the years flown? I have kept you close. I know, closer than you would like. I have had to learn to release my grasp one finger at time, one prayer at a time. One breath at a time. And so, into manhood you go. Just like when you learned to ride that bike, I know you will find your balance and nothing will hold you back. I will be here standing on tip toe, whispering prayers, knowing that it is God who guides you. He always has.

Crossing Over

I have a few words of advice for you, my young man. My son.

  1. Always put God first seeking his heart above all others. Your life will stay just where it was meant to — on God’s path. There is a bonus to this as well. No woman of character can resist a man who puts God first. Trust me on that one.
  2. Always place love above truth. This is how God operates. His love for mankind serves his justice. That is why he gave us Jesus, to resolve the two. This one will serve you in your marriage in the years to come.
  3. Serve others. A leader serves first. This is the example that Jesus set for us.
  4. Work hard even when no one is looking or gives you credit. God sees the heart and will bless you accordingly.
  5. Be kind with your words. Others will bloom in your presence if you bless them with encouragement.
  6. Laugh often.  It is good for your heart AND it is also a chick magnet. Trust me on that one too.
  7. Honor those who are older and know more than you even when you feel like they don’t. Honor and respect will take you far in life.

And so there it is. A few thoughts before you ride swiftly away. I love you my boy.

Your future is bright.

Psalm 16:11 ~”You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

The Future is Bright


That Smile

The Path of Life


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  • Reply cmo January 5, 2014 at 10:38 pm

    Tall and Wise.
    One of a kind.

    I remember him on that bike. That’s where he got the nickname ‘motor scooter’, he always rode it with such conviction.

    Funny, insightful, talented and loyal.
    I love my son, and you (my wife) raised him well – he is a jewel to the earth.

  • Reply Mom January 6, 2014 at 4:08 pm

    This is so precious. Every word spoken about this boy by you and his father is true. Dad and I read this together and tears got on the way. He is a jewel and we are so thankful and proud to have him for our grandson. Love you Johnny..

  • Reply Dinah January 7, 2014 at 8:38 pm

    So beautifully said Maryanne! Johnny turned out to be such a fine young man. All of your children have. They have had wonderful role models. Love you sister.

  • Reply Ivan Benson January 8, 2014 at 2:34 pm

    There’s nothing like our babies growing up. It makes the heart swell. And then . . . there are grandkids . . . . Grace upon grace.

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