365 Project 2014

365 2014 Day 32 The Thaw

February 2, 2014
Warmth Coming In

Warmth Coming In

The thaw is never clean and tidy. In fact, it is muddy and messy. The smooth uniform color of the ice gives way to a myriad of textures and colors that are often undesirable.

Disney’s new movie Frozen tells the tale of two sisters, who through misunderstanding and fear become distant to one another. The elder sister hides deep within herself to keep secrets not just from her younger sister, but from the world. She shuts everyone out. The younger sister is left bewildered and hurt. The result is a frozen kingdom where everyone suffers until they find their love for one another again. Then all is well and the kingdom warms in their healing.

If only life were as simple as a Disney movie.

Forgiveness is tricky business. It is scary to allow the thaw. It is so much simpler to just shut out the pain along with those that caused it. The ground below the ice is tender and vulnerable and cannot withstand the heavy footprints of those who seem uncaring. Or so we believe. The problem with that thinking is that when we shut other people out, we shut ourselves in. No light gets in, and we cannot get out. It’s a lose/lose situation. We believe we are protecting ourselves, but in truth we are hurting ourselves and all of our relationships. Who can endure a bitter heart? We must let go. We must surrender our vulnerabilities to God and trust that he has us. If he who is perfect can forgive our imperfections, how can we even think of holding someone else’s sins against them? (Mark 11:22-26)

There is freedom on the other side –freedom and life, warmth and laughter all on the other side of that ice. Everyone wins in the light of forgiveness.

Go ahead and let the thaw begin.

Let it go.

Ephesians 4:32 ~”Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.”


Let It Go

Let It Go




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  • Reply Km February 2, 2014 at 12:42 am

    Beautiful momma

  • Reply Nancy February 2, 2014 at 3:20 am

    Beautiful analogy

  • Reply Mama February 3, 2014 at 2:26 pm

    Oh, it sounds so simple, doesn’t it? The truth is that it is very painful. Each person in the situation feels that they are the one who has been hurt by the other. Neither one can understand why the other party doesn’t ask for forgiveness. Only the Holy Spirit convicting can cause someone to realize that they have been wrong and that they need to ask for forgiveness for the hurt they have caused. I have had this happen in my own life. It takes a lot to be humble and tell someone that they are sorry for having this bitterness toward them and ask for forgiveness. I did this with my sister. I am so glad that I did.

  • Reply Mom February 3, 2014 at 4:49 pm

    What a profound truth we all need to hear. Beautiful. Thanks for the reminder

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