365 Project 2011

365 Project Day 325: How do you say goodbye to a birdie?

November 23, 2011

Shining Birdie

Canon 5D Mark ll, 50 1.2L, 3.2 aperture, 1/400 shutter, 1/160 ISO

I am behind on my blog today. Overwhelmed with fatigue and emotion, I went to bed last night without blogging. This is the first time I have done that during the whole project. But I was incapable of stringing sentences together. Flying across the ocean and back in five days will rattle one’s sense of time. But more than that, I left a little birdie in England, and that will wrench a mother’s heart. I have wept on and off during the day today mostly for joy. I am so grateful for the gift of traveling to England to see my Annie. My world, my experiences, and my heart were all enlarged for the joy of it. As I perused images today to post I was overcome with tears and emotion again and again. For the beauty of this city and the love for my daughter. I am a blessed mother. I have stored these memories in my heart, but I am thankful for the gift of photography that has allowed me to hold these treasures a bit longer and also to share them with you.

I left a part of my heart in England. As long as my Annie-Bird walks the soil there I will be tethered to that place.

I did not know what to share, so I pulled the most sparkling treasures from my pockets and have laid them out here to show. There are quite a few and I have a feeling there will be more later. It was hard to choose. Blessings to all of you this Thanksgiving season.

Psalm 118:29 ~”Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

Saying Goodbye

My Heart Standing at the Station

But onto happier images from Oxford…

Come with Me

English Horsies

Happy Company

Chasing Other Birdies

Get 'em Annie!



A Bridge over the Thames

The Thames at Sunset

Heading to the Perch for Cream Tea

Sparkling Path

Dusk Outside

Oxford at Dusk

Beauty Everywhere

Formal Dining Hall

Let the Rain Come

Style Everywhere

Birds Along the Thames

Window Shopping

Annie at the Cloisters

So Much Color

In the City

Local Fare

Yes, it is this Magical

On the Bus to the Airport

Shop Owner Opening for the Day

In the Clouds Again


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  • Reply Marie Nease November 23, 2011 at 5:59 pm

    I feel the emotion of it all, with you. Thank you for sharing your heart and your gift of photography.



  • Reply Dinah November 23, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    So happy that you got to see Annie and Oxford! Loved the pictures you have shared with us and the stories as well…….so happy that you are home now…safe and sound. Love you Maryanne!

  • Reply Anna V November 25, 2011 at 1:37 am

    Aww, I just loved this post. I didn’t want the images to end!

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