365 Project 2011

365 Project Day 317: Remarkable Rachel

November 14, 2011

Through and Through Beautiful

Canon 5D Mark ll, 50 1.2L,  1.8 aperture, 1/100 shutter/ 200 ISO

I had the joy of getting to know Rachel Moye when she recently assisted me in a family photo session.  Katie met her a couple weeks ago during a corn maze adventure with friends, and she came home with rave reviews about a new friend named Rachel. I heard she loved photography, so I asked if she would help me on a shoot in Stone Mountain. She was the perfect match to assist me for the family I was photographing. I needed someone I could trust who was helpful to me and compassionate with my clients. She was all of these things.

She is a beam of light and love this girl, with just enough quirky humor to keep things snappy and fun. I loved her immediately. But that is not all that makes Rachel so remarkable. We had a long drive, so I got to ask her tons of questions and hear a bit of her story.

Elegant Rachel

Rachel has been wanting to share the Gospel of Christ since she was four years old, and told her mother so. She knew very early in life that she wanted to live a life of adventure, carrying the love of Jesus around the world. She says her life was forever changed when she was eleven, and was able to serve on a medical mission trip to Guatemala. It was there that she felt her heart truly break for people. She went back every summer for the next five years, finding a place of  God’s peace and purpose there. “God was molding and shaping my heart for people of every income, every race and every nation”, she says earnestly.

She went on to study at Baylor University in Texas were she studied journalism: public relations, sociology and history. Since then she has been to the Netherlands to study abroad, then Tanzania, South Africa, and Liberia for more mission work. She has also worked with Compassion International in Colorado and is now working for the National Christian Foundation here in Georgia. She is so young to have all of this under her belt already. But saying yes to God and whatever He wants will take a person places. That is what she has done.

She is also a wonderful photographer. She is presently working on a book from her recent trip to Liberia that includes her photography and writing. I got to preview it the other night and it is fantastic. I am excited to see it printed!

Dreamy Light

And as if all this wasn’t enough, there is more. Rachel is incredibly funny. She had me laughing so hard at times, I could not hold my camera still. ( Several shots came out blurry.) We had mustache props left over from our family shoot, and well, let’s just say Rachel can work a mustache. Oh my goodness, so funny. I have to admire someone who can not only laugh, but laugh at themselves. A true sign of good character.

Take a look for yourself.



Concerned (my favorite)

Yes, she is amazing. She reflects the light and goodness (and humor) of the God she serves and loves. I can’t wait to see where God will take her next!

Here is the verse she chose to use to describe her journey. Blessings, beautiful Rachel.

Psalm 16:5-8 ~”LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

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  • Reply Michele November 14, 2011 at 12:43 am

    Great Job. Awesome Model to. Very excited for u. Keep doing Gods work. Such Love

  • Reply Lynda Laubscher November 14, 2011 at 10:10 am

    Why did this touch me so? I’m not quite sure, but as I sit here typing this, the tears are being fought. Maybe it’s because the Lord has been speaking to me so much lately about the direction He wants me to move in. It’s not across countries; it is simply here, in my own backyard, at my own church. He has shown me it is time for me to step out & use the gifts He has given me. I am excited, but apprehensive, but will move forward so that I, too, may walk the scripture verse Rachel chose.

    Thank you, Mary Anne-I look forward to your blog every day & I shall dearly miss it when the 365 days are up.

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