365 Project 2011

365 Project Day 183: For A Little While Longer

July 3, 2011

Welcome Home

Canon 5D Mark ll, 50 1.2L, 4.0 aperture, 1/400 shutter, 100 ISO

My heart skips a bit when I see your bus coming in the parking lot. You are home! I hug you. That face, I kiss it, smell your familiar skin, my nose sinking into heaven. You are at ease, the dust of another land still on your feet. You have outgrown my arms just a bit more this time. I know this is borrowed time, but I hold it tight. Eyes stinging and lips tightening, I am in between laughter and tears.

More of a Man

But you are home! The car ride home is full of stories from your journey. I smile and listen to every word. You can hardly get one story out before another tumbles behind. I rest in the sound of your voice. How I have missed it. The lilting timbres, the highs and lows, as you laugh, rush ahead and then slow for dramatic effect. All music to me. Tell me everything.

Once we are home, I  go out to shop for dinner, eyes scanning for your favorites. Cereals, fruits, breads to comfort and fill you. I weave together a dinner plan for the evening, ribbons of my affection to tie you in a little longer. A mother’s delight. ” I need a new toothbrush”, you tell me. A staple of familiarity that grounds me. Toothbrushes, yes! How the mundane brings joy. Yes, be my every day again. For now.

You rest in your beds again, on sheets that I smoothed out for you, heart yearning. “Soon” I whispered as I prayed over your homecoming. I spray lavender on your pillow. Sweet dreams to be had.

Homecoming Sunset

The colors streak brighter, in my world, on my cheeks, for a little while longer. I am happy to see you, my children. I go out to watch the sunset as our day closes. The warmth and color seem to be a reflection of my own heart. And then, I see them.

Birds flying across the fiery sky.

Flight at Sunset

” I know”, I whisper quietly.” It is just for a little while longer.” I pause at the image before me. But for now, you are here. The sky echoes my joy.

My joy is in the now. I thank my Father for hearing my prayers and bringing you home safely, sighing in relief and happiness. “Thank you,” I exhale, gazing at His glory. I feel His love in return. He loves me more than I love you. How can that be true? I don’t know, but it is. He told me so.

Jeremiah 31:3 ~ ““I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”

Joy in the Now

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  • Reply Dan July 3, 2011 at 9:11 am

    Beautiful. Thank you, Sis.

  • Reply Mom Morgan July 3, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    So glad they are home. Thanks for the pictures to prove it. Nothing like having your children home. The sunset is absolutely beautiful.

  • Reply Miriam July 3, 2011 at 8:25 pm

    I read something today by Beth Moore about how all of us women eventually become barren and many believe that that means our work is done since we have raised our children but there is still the opportunity to train the younger women and be there for them even though they are not “our” children. “It’s time to enlarge your tent and invest in spiritual children”

    hope this was an encouragement to you. there is always opportunity to be a mom if we allow it.

  • Reply Dinah July 3, 2011 at 10:23 pm

    So glad your children are home safe and sound! They have been in my prayers. This was beautiful and I loved the way you expressed your feelings. You are awesome Mary!

  • Reply Annie July 4, 2011 at 7:01 pm

    That last image is full of glory. I love these summer skies, and I’m glad someone is paying attention to make sure they get captured forever.

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