365 Project 2011

365 Project Day 158: Summer Sweetness

June 8, 2011

Summer Gems

Canon 5D Mark ll, 100mm 2.8 macro, 2.8 aperture, 1/60 shutter, 250 ISO

Picking blackberries will forever remind me of my childhood, long before boyfriends or driving cars occupied my days. My best friend Jodi and I, brown-skinned and freckled from each sun-kissed day of summer, would walk down the soft dirt path to the place the berries grew. We were searching for treasure. We didn’t seem to mind the heat, the long walk both ways, or the deer flies and chiggers that plagued us along the way. Armed only with plastic bags and excitement, we ventured out on our quest.

The berries themselves seemed to hold all the sweetness of summer within them. Was it the sweet smell of the ones that had already ripened and fallen, the brilliant purple juice that stained our fingers and mouths, or the delicious bursting clusters we feasted on while we gathered?  I just remember I could have stayed there forever, seeking the vibrant fruit on laden prickly canes, while chatting and laughing with my friend. I long for that kind of simple joy again.

Today, as I gathered berries around my farm today, I thought about those days. Some things have changed since the innocence of my youth. I now arm myself with long pants and a long shirt and plenty of bug spray. I have become quite the wimp about chiggers and ticks. The deer flies still circled my head, frustrated by my shield of repellent. I knew they would meet me there and came prepared. Still, as I gathered the berries, and I felt the sun soaking into my adult skin, I found joy and contentment. It was as if I were ten years old again. The berries have not changed. The brilliant not-yet-ready ones still beam like rubies amidst their ripened companions. The best ones still hide underneath all the thorns, and fall gently into my palms with little effort. They still taste like sunshine and friendship to me.  All I was lacking was a best friend alongside me, chatting and giggling as we worked. Then we could have pulled out each other’s thorns and gone for a swim. Another time.:)

Here are a few more from my adventure today.

James 1:17 ~”Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

Ruby Clusters

Almost Ready

Sweetness of Summer

Harvested Treasure

For You

Blackberry Bokeh

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1 Comment

  • Reply Mom Morganj June 8, 2011 at 2:46 pm

    I too have memories of blackberry picking as a child, but enjoyed reading about yours. I usually picked with my brother, John Lee, who is now with Jesus. The memories are still sweet and I still enjoy the sweet berries. I will leave them for others to pick.

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