Good Morning
It has been over a week since I declared The Year of Yes, and I am slowly finding my way into this acquiescence. My yes has to be cultivated and nurtured, just like gratitude and a sense of wonder. These treasures must be tended to oh so carefully in our lives, protected against the choking weeds of distraction and fear. It’s a slow and diligent process. This week as I waited for my son in a busy coffeeshop, I was drawn to the light encircling the rims of the coffee mugs on display. “Yes, I see you there” I said to my Father who is tenderly leading me out of this numbed state and into dancing again. Simultaneously, the voice of my enemy mocks me. “Light on coffee mugs? Silly,” he stings. Yes, light on coffee mugs. And no, not silly. I am learning to see again. I turn my back on the scoffer who makes small of the beauty that God uses to make me whole.
I have known fear this last year. My chest seizes tight even now. Anxiety has become an unwelcome companion in this last season. He has walked so close to me that I nearly believed he was part of me. He crept in on the folds of grief’s garments. I am now seeing this more clearly. He latched hold when a relationship shattered into pieces, shifting in quietly and heavily, like a heavy cloud that blocks the sun.
But I declare it now in this moment- “Fear is not part of me”. I read it on Ann Voskamps’s post today. “The answer to anxiety is the adoration of Christ”. Yes. Yes! I will give God my yes. I will let this last season rest in the deep with all it’s pain and weariness. I will let it go to God. He alone can hold all these things.
The sun is rising again, with all her glory and colors. God is doing a new thing and I am so grateful.
Yes to new, Father. Yes to you.
Isaiah 43:19 ~”See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

Yes to New
Oh YES! So glad to hear the echo of your yes…especially as the world heats up and the default to fear and anxiety is gleaming just waiting to be pushed or pulled or released! Keep your yes coming because there are others out there, like me, who need the echo of fellow so-journers to just egg us on in our own yes-s!
To God be the glory, great things He has done!! Oh Yes!
You bless me. Thank you fellow sojourner.
Yes to your yes, Mary Anne. Anxiety is a twisted, difficult enemy, one I know far too well. May you be blessed as you re-emerge this season.
Thank you Diana. I am always grateful when you stop by.
Sometimes we have to go through the dark valleys before we see His light again. He never leaves us. How beautiful the SONrise!
Sounds like you are reading Ann Voskamp.
YES! YES! Love you…
Mary Anne,
Thank you for your beautiful photos of the light rising up in such splendor amidst the dark tangle of branches! It is good to hear from you again. I am wondering if you are talking about Ann Voscamp also. I read a little bit from her some time back but was reminded of her again when someone posted her recent post on Kara Tippett’s blog “Mundane Faithfulness” (or at least I think that is where I saw it). I have been following Kara’s journey in the last stage of cancer for a few months now and have really been reminded about how precious my children are and those overs in my sphere of influence. I have been reminded of how we are hidden in Christ and His love, even in our most trying days and out most mundane “seeming” days. Like your posts, Ann’s post was beautiful and inspiring… It reminded me of what you posted here today, Mary. About seeing the precious light in things that are around us daily… Even on the coffee mugs 🙂 She wrote about being awake to see our diamonds that we have while we are still here. Below is the link to Ann’s post if you have not already read that one. It created a paradigm shift in me that day that I hope to remember and spread to others too. That is what your blog did for me when I discovered it last Spring, Mary. You always reminded me to be kind to myself, while remembering how adored I am by our Father. Thank you for that wisdom.
How To Mine Your 2015 For Unexpected Diamonds-
Such a long reply, I know 😉 I’m more talkative on paper than generally in person! Unless I’m super excited! You ladies are inspiring me to start my own blog at some point 🙂
Hello sweet Liza!
Yes it is Ann Voskamp and actually if you click on her name in the post it will take your to her blog. I wish the link would show up better. Thank you for your beautiful and kind words. Yes yes, a blog for you too!!:)
So grateful for you, Mary Anne! I believe the Lord draws us to His gifts of joy like pointing out to you the light encircling the rims of the coffee mugs. Little reminders of His presence to cheer us along our way.
Thank you for the honesty of your words and your encouragement to say “Yes to New.” This past year has been one of the hardest of my whole life … but I have learned to trust God in a new way as I have seen His Hand. Now I want to draw near and know His Heart as you have described and learn to dance again. To God Be the Glory! I will cling to the scripture you listed … sitting in my new little rented cottage (700 sq. feet down-sized from 2700 sq. ft.), having sold many things that I thought were “treasures” but learning what true “treasures” are.
thank you, maryanne. though i know our circumstances are different, your writing reflects my position perfectly. every last word. thank you.
Thank you for your transparency; it is refreshing.