Happy Bloom
“I saved this for you” he says quietly as he tenderly pulls a twined blossom from his pocket, “it reminded me of you.” It is the boutonniere from the wedding he officiated this weekend. I feel my heart flutter because he knows me so well. It is a small yet significant gesture of his love for me. He is steady and faithful and kind. I take the blossom and put it in one of my favorite teacups to treasure a little longer.
He always weeps when the bride comes down the aisle, especially when he is officiating. Every time I feel my body leaning towards him, even if I am in the back of the room, as if I could support him from there. My heart is tangled up with his. I know the tenderness and vulnerability that resides there. I know what he is thinking- or rather just knowing- in his spirit. He is reminded of the kingdom of heaven, when Christ’s bride will be given to him fully in all her glory. He is heavenly-minded, other worldly in his affections, and I am not the least bit jealous of this love. I am sheltered and safe there, drawn more deeply to this God who delights to tell his story in our every day lives.
We will be indeed in trouble when our girls marry. May God hold us that day.
We have been married for 27 years and if you are married you know it is difficult. And wonderful.
Here is one of the things he said to the young bride and groom this weekend.
“…choose again every day to be in love. Say to yourself, “I can have a great marriage if I want it. It is my choice.” What happened yesterday is gone, what happens tomorrow is not here yet, but today is mine to choose. You see, the power is not really is standing here today and declaring your intent to love, it is in actually choosing every day to be present and fully vested in the relationship. “
He can say these things because that is what he does. ( I am trying to get my husband to write his own blog. He has such wise things to say. If you see him, encourage him in this way.)
I pray that I will also live out the faithfulness that my husband has exemplified.
Today I say yes to faithfulness. It is like the twine around the beautiful flowers- holding us together come what may.
Proverbs 3:3 ~”Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”

Treasure a little while longer
I love this post. Thank you for the reminder.
So lovely, thank you!
Oh, this is so beautiful.
My heart is full… Contentment is a beautiful gift.