Last summer he brought home a box of spoons left over from an event at church. I wondered what he was doing. They were just cheap spoons, nothing special. A few days later, I…
This is the lovely Salena Donnelly. Her husband Sean gave her a portrait session with me for her birthday back in December. He said she was getting cowgirl boots for Christmas and he wanted…
Canon 5D Mark ll, 16-35 2.8L, 3.5 aperture, 1/500 shutter, 100 ISO And when I can bear it no more, the rushing, the deadlines, the pressures of pleasing and making perfect, I come. I…
Canon 5D Mark ll, 70-200L, 2.8 aperture, 1/500 shutter, 200 ISO I absolutely love sun flare in photography. While some photographers shy away from it, and even view it as poor technique, I cannot…
Canon 5D Mark 2, 50 1.2L, 1.6 aperture, 1/100 shutter, 100 ISO Today marked the beginning of the thaw from a long week of snow and ice and being homebound. I love this image,…
Canon 5D Mark 2 50mm 1.2 L, 2.2 aperture, 1/2000 shutter speed, 125 ISO Captured this of my Katie as the sun silhouetted her on our walk tonight and appeared to be reflecting right…
I am in love with bokeh. For non photogs, that is the beautiful blur of colors and circles you get in the background when you shoot with a shallow depth of field. It makes…