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  • 365 project 2016

    Day 56 Very Soon

    As I type this tonight my dog Janey is beginning her labor. Soon we will have some precious goldendoodle puppies to love and snuggle. I am thankful for how our God brings to fruition…

    February 25, 2016
  • 365 project 2016

    Day 55 Jonquil Promise

    The Jonquils are blooming again on the hillside in the front pasture. It was a blustery day here, but still they sang their songs of hope. They bumped heads and swayed in the wind…

    February 24, 2016
  • 365 project 2016

    Day 52 The Blue Hour

    It is one of my favorite times of day. The blue hour. According to Wikipedia “The blue hour is when the sun is a significant distance below the horizon and the residual, indirect sunlight…

    February 22, 2016
  • 365 project 2016

    Day 49 Light

    One of my favorite parts of doing a 365 Project is documenting the seemingly ordinary and realizing it was truly extraordinary. Like pearls sliding onto a delicate strand, the moments stack up next to…

    February 19, 2016
  • 365 project 2016

    Day 30 Expecting

    My friends Enrique and Evelyn are expecting their first child in less than a month. They are so incredibly ecstatic. Today, during our session they both lit up when their baby boy moved in…

    January 31, 2016
  • 365 project 2016

    Day 15 Cling

    It has been a day of emotional upheaval. I feel undone – “unsewn” in my soul. It rained the better part of the day and I wept alongside it. No one can really tell…

    January 15, 2016
  • 365 Project 2014

    365 2014 Day 52 Love

    I love this photo of Samantha and Michael that I took during their engagement session. They will be married next month. I am honored to be part of love their story, even in if…

    February 22, 2014