Another glorious sunset on the farm. One more cheerful cluster of cherry blossoms. One more sweet deep breath into my lungs. My God is faithful. His gifts and goodness are overflowing the boundaries of…
I found these sweet violets in the yard today while I was taking Janey outside. Their purple faces surprised me, all huddled together by the water hose. I gathered up a handful and placed…
It has been a tough day. Those days just hit me out of the blue now. I feel like a shadow of the person I want to be. There seems to be an invisible…
I actually took this photo in December shortly after my mom passed away, but it seems appropriate to post it now. There is so much of my path that feels unknown to me right…
Dear Mama, How I miss you. Did you see the lanterns we sent off for you that November night not long after you stepped into glory? Maybe not. Our lanterns must have been dimmed…
It seems so redundant to say that this season of grief has been hard. I shake my head at the oversimplification of that sentence. There are few more phrases I could use to describe it:…
One of my favorite parts of doing a 365 Project is documenting the seemingly ordinary and realizing it was truly extraordinary. Like pearls sliding onto a delicate strand, the moments stack up next to…
I can feel it happening. I am distancing myself from the rawness of the pain. The colors run pale and I am left with this grey version of my life. Sometimes it is just…