For You Canon 5D Mark 22, 100 2.8 macro, 4.0 aperture, 1/100 shutter, 200 ISO Sometimes we just need something beautiful to look at, so smell, to touch. To eat! These cherries just made…
Canon 5D Mark ll, 100mm macro 2.8, 7.1 aperture, 1/160 shutter, 100 ISO. Alien B800 at 1/16 power to right of bowl with 30 degree grid cover. This is an example of my trying…
Canon 5D Mark ll, 100mm macro 2.8, 4.0 aperture, 1/80 shutter, 100 ISO, flash used off camera at 1/8 power and bounced off ceiling for fill. I was immediately enamored with with this brightly…