Canon 5D Mark ll, 16-35L, 13.0 aperture, 1/40 shutter 100 ISO Seeing the sun setting on our drive after a very long day, I felt safe, and in my element again. Here, with the…
Canon 5D Mark ll, 16-35 2.8L, 7.1 aperture, 1/400 shutter, 100 ISO Somedays are just like this. We know we are meant to fly, but we feel tethered to the earth somehow, our colorful…
Canon 5D Mark ll, 70-200 2.8L, 3.5 aperture, 1/640 shutter, 100 ISO. Reflector used to bounce light back into her face and eyes. It was such a joy photographing sweet Christine today for her…
Canon 5D Mark ll, 100mm 2.8 macro, 3.5 aperture, 1/80 shutter, 100 ISO I find myself back here again, with the flowers. They are telling me about God, His attention to detail, His great…
Canon 5D Mark ll, 6.3 aperture, 1/160 shutter, 160 ISO. Alien B800 at 1/power to left of Cowboy in a 48″x24″ softbox. Cowboy had some things he wanted to share so I told him…
Canon 5D Mark ll, 50 1.2L, 3.5 aperture, 1/100 shutter, 400 ISO Summer is coming, can you feel it? It is time to hang up the outdoor twinkling lights and dance past sunset. Take a…
Canon 5D Mark ll, 24-70L, 3.5 aperture, 1/250 shutter, 100 ISO When I don’t know what to do, when I am tired, when I am empty and dry in my deepest places, I look…
Canon 5D Mark ll, 50 1.2L, 1.8 aperture, 1/125 shutter, 100 ISO, window light and a white reflector. Has your heart melted yet? Mine is still a sloppy mess. Meet Emily Grace, God’s gift…