It’s been a busy month to say the least. This time with Johnny and Gunsmoke was like a breath of fresh air.
Every now and then I need to photograph my own. This is where it all started for me, filling the frame with these once-chubby cheeks. I have less time with them now. They are all grown. I shake my head in disbelief that the years have flown so swiftly.
The weather was perfect, Johnny was home and Gunsmoke was happy to go for a walk. All the elements were in place for a sweet sunset shoot. How I love this boy who is now a man. His chubby cheeks have given way to chiseled handsome features. He is still my John though. I can still hear his little boy voice asking me to read one more page. I could never resist. I would read until we were both nearly asleep. I love him so. I shoot frame after frame, gathering these moments like treasures to hold, gaze upon and remember. I know these years will fly by as well. Treasuring today with my boy.
1 Comment
These pictures are wonderful. You capture so much in your photography. Also brings your family to my house as I feel they are close by when I look at the pictures. So a big thank you!!