• 365 project 2016

    Day 72 Sweet Violets

    I found these sweet violets in the yard today while I was taking Janey outside. Their purple faces surprised me, all huddled together by the water hose. I gathered up a handful and placed…

    March 14, 2016
  • 365 project 2016

    Day 71 Portrait of Johnny

    I am so grateful my boy let me take his portrait today for my project. This image portrays him so well. He is a deep-thinking, melancholy soul. Sometimes when he tells me what he…

    March 13, 2016
  • 365 project 2016

    Day 69 Offering

    Spring is almost here and one by one I see them. The flowering trees are bringing their offerings to the warmth of the sun. It is a picture of worship. Little peach tree down…

    March 11, 2016
  • 365 project 2016

    Day 66 This Moment

    Here we are in this moment, riding in the car. I am putting on my shoes and clasping my watch because I was too late to do that in the house. You are sitting…

    March 8, 2016
  • 365 project 2016

    Day 65 Unknown

    I actually took this photo in December shortly after my mom passed away, but it seems appropriate to post it now. There is so much of my path that feels unknown to me right…

    March 6, 2016