How I love this image of my husband and my son, standing at the edge of a storm. To me this is what intercession looks like as we partner with God to hold the storms back for others.
I am grateful for the prayers of others. This week I posted a vulnerable story about living with fear and anxiety. I had many kind comments and emails from people telling me they were praying for me. This brings me so much comfort and I am deeply grateful.
When I lost a baby in 2006 my sister commented to me that she believed that when we pray and carry the burdens of others we each actually carry a little part of that burden so the heaviness doesn’t crush the individual who is suffering. I loved that thought. It reminds me of gym class in elementary school where we all held a piece of the parachute so someone could go under it without it falling on them. They could literally run under its shadow without suffocating in the darkness.
We need each other. The storms do come and threaten to carry us away. It is frightening. God has given us the honor of partnering with him to come to the aid of others. Why would he do that? Our God is so mysterious and beautiful. He is always about relationships. When we come before him on behalf of others, our hearts are more entwined with them and with God’s. In this process, he allows us to walk in the fullness of the journey. We learn empathy and compassion. Our hearts grow with love and we step outside our own selfishness. In truth, we are taking part in our own rescue when we ask him to move for others.
Our own hearts are delivered we intercede for other people.

Stormy Silhouette

Standing Watch
God never wastes anything. He will use any and every circumstance to bring glory to himself and bring us to wholeness.
Who is like him?
Thanking God for the storms and for those who have chosen to partner with him to hold them at bay
He is good.
Psalm 113:1-6 ~
You who serve God, praise God!
Just to speak his name is praise!
Just to remember God is a blessing—
now and tomorrow and always.
From east to west, from dawn to dusk,
keep lifting all your praises to God!
God is higher than anything and anyone,
outshining everything you can see in the skies.
Who can compare with God, our God,
so majestically enthroned,
Surveying his magnificent
heavens and earth?”

Rolling In
Stunning photos! And lovely reflection. Thank you.
Thank you Diana. You always bless me. xxoo
“God never wastes anything. He will use any and every circumstance to bring glory to himself and bring us to wholeness.”
Yes. This could be the topic sentence for my life. Thank you so much for sharing….your posts always help me put some of my own thoughts and feelings into words (and beautiful images, too). It’s nice to know that I’m not alone!
Thank you Jennifer. You are definitely not alone.
Breathtaking! I’m in awe of your raw talent and gift sister.
I feel the same way about you Phil.
I LOVE the visual picture of intercession, and your comments on it. I found your blog through Ann Voscamp’s blog. Very inspiring and comforting. Thank you…….
Thank you Karen. I am so grateful you stopped by.
Thank you for sharing your heart and marrying it with awesome pictures. Many of us walk the same trails. It is comforting to walk with others who understand.
Thank you for reading Ivan. So excited about your new project.
Your photos are always so truly awe-inspiring. And yet your heart is so gentle. You bless us with both.
Sarah, your writing gift always astounds me. I just spent some time drifting through your site. It is a place of beautiful dreams. I am so grateful for your gifts and how you share them.
Christlikeness slipping into our fiber. May we bind together to point each other toward Him. Because He Is the I AM, i am. Let this be our strength and shield.
Wow! Once again I am amazed by your photos. And your words. Thank you for putting these photos to these words.
Very inspiring and comforting. Thanks for share with us.