
And then I found 10 dollars

September 6, 2013


I have had a series of dreams, in which I found a door to a room in my home I didn’t know I had. In each dream, I found a new door and entered through, finding items that were mine all along but didn’t know were mine. In one dream, it was a box full of love letters between my parents, in which they wrote poetry and described their love for one another. In another, the room was full of beautiful rugs and furniture all so colorful, on deep rich mahogany wood floors. Still in another, I walked into a lovely kitchen with tiffany lamps and granite countertops, and a refrigerator stocked full of amazing foods. All of these dreams left deep longing in me. In each dream, their was this feeling of “Oh, this is mine? Yes of course it is!” I felt these dreams were from God but was unsure of their meaning.

Then one day, it came to me. I felt God gently whisper it softly in my innermost being. ” I am those rooms”. I was astonished at the thought. All this time, I had mulled over several possible meanings to the dreams, but not this one. The meaning continued to unfurl in my spirit. All those things that I longed for, both materially and spiritually, all of them, I already had in God. The feeling is surreal. Everything, every color and texture, every desire I have in my heart, every unmet need, every dream and broken place — is all met in having God. I have him.

He is mine. I am his. I have everything.

It is like finding that extra 10 dollars in your pants pocket while doing the laundry, but better, so much better. You know that feeling? Sometimes we say it in conversation when we feel like someone is not listening. ” And then I found 10 dollars.”  It works every time, they look up and say what? Really? Because they know they feeling of finding something we need that we didn’t know we had all the time. It is a marvelous wonderful feeling.

I found it. He found me.

Psalm 16:11- “You make known to me the path of life;  you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Just through there


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