These are the hands of my sweet Annie. She came home to make me dinner tonight. This was a double blessing because I hurt my back this week and even minor chores seem difficult.…
This time last year I spent a lot of time alone under the stars. When I lost my mama I felt the like night sky was a safe place for the rawness of my…
Tonight as Chris and I walked a path through the woods we could not take our eyes off the sky. The woods were growing dark and thick but that sky reminded us of where…
We are empty but he fills. We are murky but he clarifies. We are tired and weak but he strengthens. We are the not the brilliance but he places his light in us and we…
Have you ever seen a bird break out of its egg or a caterpillar emerge from the prison of its cocoon? That holy hushed moment where is it hard to remember to breathe? That’s…
It has been a tough day. I couldn’t shake the gray all day. One of the hardest things about doing a 365 Project is that I cannot just hide my heart away. Every day I…
It is a January day. The air is clean and crisp. As the sun slowly sets before dinner I can hear the tree frogs peep-peeping their gentle calls. They are beckoning spring, although they…
When she was little Chris came home with a new nickname for her. He had heard it at work and knew it was meant for our Annie. He began to call her Lagniappe- which…