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  • Musings

    Burning Away the Chaff

    It is the season of burning away the old, preparing for what is to come. Setting fire to the dross can be frightening. It has become familiar, and feels like part of me. But…

    March 21, 2012
  • Musings

    Farm Boy

    When we bought this land in 1996, Johnny was barely 3. He was still part baby when he first tumbled out of our car onto the clay dirt that covers our farm, his brown…

    March 16, 2012
  • Portraits

    Rachel Zehner

    I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph the stunning Rachel Zehner last week. She is beginning a promising career in modeling in Miami with the Ford Modeling Agency. She is obviously a natural in front…

    March 12, 2012
  • Portraits

    Gorgeous Rachael

    I am embarking on a new journey in my photography, and I am so excited. I don’t know exactly what it will look like yet, but I sense God moving me into a direction…

    March 3, 2012
  • Musings

    Change and Surrender

    When Annie brought them home last week, along with an exquisite handwritten note, they were in full bloom. These crimson tulips tumbled together in a vase that matched their cheerful faces. Their song was…

    February 28, 2012
  • Musings

    The Flying Biscuit with Annie

    I told her I would drive her to the airport. She was traveling to Michigan to see her boyfriend, and insisted she could take Marta. “Are you sure Mom? It will be a three…

    February 27, 2012
  • Portraits

    Betsy Loves Jake

    I love spending time with young couples in love. Their joy in each other is so sweet. So it is with Betsy and Jake. It was so appropriate photographing them on the eve of…

    February 14, 2012
  • Musings

    All Things New

    The hillside in my pasture is covered in yellow blooms. They don’t know they are a bit early. The warmth of the sun is calling them, drawing them from their earthen slumber. I hike…

    February 7, 2012