365 project 2016

Day 29 Winter Stars

January 30, 2016
Winter Stars

Winter Stars

I am a fan of winter stars. The trees in their most vulnerable state elegantly frame the starry sky. It is a picture of the beauty that is often found in fragility. I have loved the silhouettes of the barren trees against the sparkling stars for as long as I can remember. Chris knows this about me. He says he cannot walk under a winter sky without thinking about me.

It is a wonderful thing to be known and loved by someone like that. My husband mirrors so beautifully God’s love for me.

The stars have reminded me so much of God’s love during this sad season. They are steady and shining, faithful and ever-burning, just like his love for us. He doesn’t change. Everything else is uncertain. I am so grateful for his steady, unchanging nature.

I think it is remarkable how many stars my camera picks up that I cannot see with my eyes alone. I had no idea there were so many visible tonight!

Grateful for the stars tonight.


Psalm 8:3,4 ~”When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”


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1 Comment

  • Reply Krista January 30, 2016 at 11:03 am

    What a beautiful picture, Mary Anne! Would you ever consider making a little devotional book from these posts…especially for those going through grief and hard times? Sometimes the best way to work through our own grief, is to share and reach out to others! So thanks for sharing and have a blessed day!

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