Carefree Katie
I have this handful of pictures of Katie that I took on a snowy day in February, barely two months before the accident that would take her life. These photos that I took of her that day will stay with me forever. I was photographing her and two other lovely young women in the snow for my 365 project. The title of that post was Spontaneity. I didn’t know Katie as well as I would have liked to, but it seems that word suited her. I had posted on Facebook that I needed a snow model for the incoming flurries we were receiving and she responded right away. The other young women also responded and instead of choosing just one, I decided to photograph them together. They did not know each other, but it wasn’t long before they were giggling in the back of my car as we headed to our location.
I was taken with Katie’s calm and confident demeanor. She had a way of making other people feel comfortable. She had assisted me on a session earlier in the fall and I loved spending time with her. We had plans for her to do that more often.
My heart squeezes tight as I write this post. I am so saddened by the loss of this beautiful young woman. I cannot seem to understand that she is gone. I remember her. I remember Katie that day in the snow, laughing and throwing her hat in the air for me again and again. There was a lonely road that curved around the pasture down the hill and she thought it was lovely. She asked if we could walk that way and take some images. She just loved the way it looked. I did too and of course complied. We walked that way as the other girls got into my car to warm up a bit. I had just a few moments alone with Katie on this quiet winter’s day. We walked silently together smiling about our adventure. These moments hang in my memory like stained glass windows now — beautiful and precious. She walked the path ahead of me and I photographed her as she walked away. Her figure was so peaceful moving away from me, her dark coat silhouetted against the snow. I think about that most of all. I want to ask her to turn around and come back one more time.
I have learned much about Katie since she passed away last week. She loved Jesus. Oh yes, she loved Jesus. I knew that about her, but I did not know until this happened that she had given him everything. She said in her testimony that is on a video “God didn’t save me because he wanted something of me, or wanted me to do something. He saved me because he thought I was worth dying for. He just wanted to watch me live life.” Katie knew some things that some of us as Christians struggle to understand. She knew she did not have to perform or do everything just right to receive his love. She knew that he had saved her and she was his, and this was enough. I am so glad she knew that.
Her mom and dad and family know these things too. This does not take the pain away, but I know it gives them hope. Their prayer is that many will come to faith in Jesus through the loss of their precious Katie. I pray that too.
Katie lost her life doing what she loved to do. She was playing with some kids, having fun. She was riding bikes with them and accidentally hit a tree. She spent just over a week in ICU but never recovered. Our community has been deeply impacted by the loss of this beautiful woman.
She is with Jesus now. I know that.
I can still see her on that snowy day. The flakes fall softly onto her black hair. She looks soulfully into my lens and I am struck by her depth and beauty. Then her face breaks into a big smile and the sun shines instantly.
You will be deeply missed, dear Katie. Walk on with your Jesus. We will be so grateful and happy to see you again someday.
Please join me in continuing to pray for the Klinect family. May they be held in God’s strong but gentle hands as they carry on.
1 Thessalonians 4:13,14 ~
“Christian brothers, we want you to know for sure about those who have died. You have no reason to have sorrow as those who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and then came to life again. Because we believe this, we know that God will bring to life again all those who belong to Jesus.”







Lonely Road


At Peace
What a beautiful tribute to Katie. Thank you for sharing. What peace it must bring her loved ones to know that she knew our Savior!
What a precious remembrance of this beautiful young lady. I followed her story and prayed for her as did so many others. Thanks for sharing your pictures . What a gift for her loved ones. Her death has been a great testimony of Hope in Jesus and the eternal life he provides. So appropriate for this season As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Your photography has been such a blessing to so many, including me.
Thanks for sharing these with us.
We now know your friend in Texas …and look forward to you introducing us on the other side. Thanks for sharing. She was full having known Christ and friends as you!
I have no doubt that God used you as His vessel for a divine assignment that day in the snow. What a beautiful gift you have given to her family and friends. I did not know Katie but cried at the ‘at peace’ picture. How much more so must these images move the hearts of those who knew and loved her.
Thank you. This story and these pictures brought tears to my eyes as I remember seeing these beautiful young women radiating in your photos last February. None of us know whether we or our loved ones will be here tomorrow or even later today. Let us love one another as Christ Jesus did and enjoy this gift of life we have been give while we still can.
I didn’t know Katie very well, but I shall forever remember the moment when one of my friends said, “She’s gone.” I got to hear her last CFO (Camps Farthest Out) message just a few weeks before her death. It was during that message that something changed in me. I don’t know if it was the baptism of the Holy Spirit or simply a renewal of my belief, but it changed my life for the better.