To me, this is what freedom looks like. This leaf, done with gathering its own glory is the perfect window in which to view the true glory. When I found this fragile beauty in my yard last week I immediately bent down to pick it up. It held within its tender frame the similar magnetic powers of a newborn child, with vulnerability it’s greatest strength. This paradox sends me swooning and I want to be like this leaf.
Let me be like this Father. Let there be nothing in me to hold on to offense when the enemy of my soul slings it unreservedly in my direction. Let hurt pass right through me so that it never grows into bitterness and resentment, thus rotting my bones. Let there be nothing in me that insults and injustice can stick to, only you who fills the broken spaces.
Yes Father fill the broken spaces.
Help me not to seek my own glory, but rather be a perfect place for others to see you. Pass through me, fill me, your breezes blowing through my tender frame. May I be buoyed up and carried by you, weightless on my own as I throw off everything that hinders me.
Hebrews 12:1 ~”Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us…”

Delicate Frame

Fill the Broken

Beauty In Between
Thank you for the beauty, and the beautiful lesson in that leaf.
Your prayer is my prayer, too.
So grateful we share the same prayers.
This is beautiful.
Thank you sweet Kellie.
Oh, my, this is lovely. Thank you, Mary Anne.
Thank you Diana. I am always so honored when you stop by.
Beautifully written my sister! This is my prayer as well!
Love you my sister.
Absolutely gorgeous shots. I love when you highlight the tiny stuff in the pictures and then make a comparison that is anything but tiny. Thanks.
Thank you Ivan. That means a lot.
Love this!
So beautiful I wish I could print and hang on the wall.
really beautiful photos and reflection! love your work