Vintage Love
As some may know, I am at home on puppy duty this month. Janey had a lovely litter and I am enjoying staying home for a change to look after them. My sweet friend Denise who does flowers for weddings brought these lovelies by to me a couple days ago. I was ecstatic. I have missed photographing beautiful things during puppy duty. (Not that puppies aren’t beautiful. Just a different kind of beauty.)
Included in this gorgeous group of flowers were some David Austin roses. These are the most beautiful roses I have ever seen. They resemble my most favorite flower, the Peony. They have a classic beauty about them. I just had to share them here.
I love wedding flowers. They don’t have to be fancy. I just love what they represent. From the humble daisy to the stately peony, they all seem to embody the joy and celebration of love and marriage. They are held tightly by a joyful bride, pinned lovingly on a proud father, and tossed sweetly to a hopeful bridesmaid. They encircle the lovers like watchmen saying, “This will be honored. This is sacred. Come and see.” They lend their sweet scents to lure all into the bliss of love and commitment.
Jeremiah 33:10,11 ~”… there will be heard once more the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord, saying ‘Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good; his love endures forever.'”

Classic Beauty

Come and See

Wedding Flowers
Oh, gosh, Mary Anne, peonies are my favourite flower, too, from watching my dad grow them when I was a child. This bouquet – I cannot call it a ‘bunch’ – is just exquisite. You have lovely, appreciative friends. Thank you for posting these, as they cheered me up.
U r the best! I love your heart!
Those roses are breathtaking! I wish I had a bush full of them. Do they smell as good as they look?
Oh my, such a beautiful bouquet to have in your home! Peonies are also my favourite flowers – they were the first flowers my husband gave me, and I had them in my wedding bouquet. Then I discovered David Austin’s amazing range of roses, and I’ve now got two bushes in my garden. The flowers are just like the ones you have photographed here and they’re called Gentle Hermione and Teasing Georgia – such pretty names, aren’t they?