Sweet Bouquet
I never tire of finding joy in the small wonders of this world. Discovering them is like finding treasure and I am reminded of my childhood. I remember the items I gleaned as a girl — seashells, flowers in the woods, colorful pieces of broken bottles, or even a misfortunate creature of some kind. (I mothered many wounded animals and bugs back to health, though some were not so lucky.)
We are made to seek treasure. It is why we sew pockets into our clothing.
But the beauty of this world is only a reflection of the true treasure. Our creator God has scattered it like breadcrumbs on the trail to help us find our way home. This flower, those shiny shells — they tell me about a person who is far greater, full of love and color, splendor and magnificence. God is a person. The flowers fall from his own pockets every spring and lie fragrant at our feet. He plants his beauty in the earth so that we may seek him, not because of pride but because he is bent over in love with us. He is smitten with us more than we could ever imagine.
Everything you ever wished for or wanted to feel can be satisfied in God. Every thirst, every hunger, every desire is met in his great storehouses. He alone holds the keys to our hearts. It was all within your grasp the whole time. Because when he has you, you have everything.
He is the treasure.
Run and find him and he will be found. This is the greatest joy of all.
Deuteronomy 4:29 ~”But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
Matthew 7:7 ~”“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Pathway Reminders

Tiny Treasure

Pocket Poseys
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