Veiled In Glory
My friend Jamie is an elegant creature. She is the very picture of vulnerability and grace. You can see it in her eyes and her smile. I love spending time with her.
But when she dances? The hands of the clock surrender and time stands still.
Honestly, it is true. She glides effortlessly across the floor and I cannot hear her feet touch the ground. I am so happy to photograph her. It is like trying to capture a butterfly as she lights from flower to flower. Jamie is dancing in my studio and I know that every place she steps those glorious feet, a burden is lifted from some heavy soul. Chains are unfettering. This is the power of worship. This is the exquisite beauty in Jamie’s dancing. The music changes to another song and I still do not speak. I am captivated. It is a precious gift to be present when Jamie dances. She reflects God’s glory and every shadow is chased away in the light.
For those moments in time we were suspended by grace. God drew near and we were on holy ground.
Thank you Jamie for christening my new studio space. You have helped to open the gates for much blessing to come.
2 Corinthians 3:18 ~”So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”

Holy Ground



Elegant Grace

Reflections of Glory




I’ve watched this special little girl grow into this beautiful woman. I have video of her dancing as a young teen to “Mary Did You Know”. It still brings tears to my eyes. Still beautiful after all these years. Thanks for sharing these Mary Anne.
these are exquisite!!
Words cannot express how beautiful this is.