Hanging with Chet
I feel like the most blessed woman on the planet. Not only do I get to work with amazing people, like the people from the Youth Evangelism Conference in Nashville, but I get to bring my kids to help me. Katie and Annie have traded off coming with me for the past 6 years and I feel so lucky to get to do this with them. This year Annie was able to come. Before the conference we had a few minutes to get some dinner and walk the streets of beautiful Nashville. Such a beautiful city.
Annie is so great with people. She jumps right in there and loves them right where they are. I don’t think she is afraid of anything. As they were coming into the conference tonight she cheered, high-fived and danced with them one by one. It is a thing of beauty to watch. They were genuinely surprised by her warmth and charisma. Who could resist?
I love having her with me.
Katie, we missed you so much as did the sweet people of YEC. Maybe both of you can come next year? Here’s to hoping!
We love you YEC.

Reflections of Annie

Dance with Annie

Happiness Maker



Annie in her Element
1 Comment
The specialness of Annie is shining. Love these pictures and love you guys.