In the Light
I am posting a second post of Jamie in my studio for my 365 Project tonight. This is bending the rules a bit but I don’t mind. There were so many lovely images of her and they speak to the places I am in right now.
I nearly quit this project again today. This happens about twice a week now. I get exhausted and I teeter back and forth between quitting and staying in the race. I don’t say this to ask for encouragement, although that is always wonderful. I just need to be honest about my journey. Trying to balance the actual business of photography with a project like this is tough. I am adding considerably to my work load. I am not getting much sleep these days, so something has to give.
When I look at Jamie’s gorgeous images I see my journey in her movement. Her dancing is raw and beautiful. She dances authentically and beautifully. As she balances tenuously between joy and pain, she carries us with her. It is not easy to dance this line. In fact, there is nothing at all easy about it. Maybe that’s where the real beauty lies. We must keep our feet tethered to this earth while continuing to reach up to heaven where our hope lies. This takes us into an exquisite spin; with our feet planted in peace, our arms upright and eyes fixed on the light, we are spun around in the dance.
I must keep dancing. I must keep going. One more day, one more effort to count graces and offer excellence to God.
One more day. One more dance.
Thank you elegant Jamie.
Philippians 3:12-14 ~
“I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.” The Message

Reaching Out

One More Day

Pressing On

The Dance


Strength and Grace

Your photography is breath taking, your words so descriptive and true, your scripture references just right for God to shine through it all. Do not give up! Thank you for sharing your truly God given talents. With thanks in Him who is making all things new. Christine
We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength – Plip 4:13
Yet that same Christ is the one who gives us a Sabbath rest- not just one day a week like in the Old Testament, but He is our Sabbath. Please take some days off of this post when/if needing rest. God will show you a creative way to keep it going if that is what you are to do or the right timing to let it go and possibly pick I back up again when ready. I have been nourished so much by your words and photos representing God’s grace, mercy and beauty. But most of all I pray you are given and you receive rest in The Lord, who carries you. 🙂
Sharing your photos and inspired messages with us every day ministers to us and encourages so much and I consider it to be such a privilege to be a part of your audience. We would totally understand if you need to take a day off. Praying for refreshment and rest for you.
Stunning work. Glad to find you and be inspired by the work and the words.