365 Project 2011

Project 365 Day 129: Making a Splash

May 9, 2011

Crystal Clear

Canon 5D Mark ll, 100mm macro 2.8, 7.1 aperture, 1/160 shutter, 100 ISO. Alien B800 at 1/16 power to right of bowl with 30 degree grid cover.

This is an example of my trying new things. I have learned, and am still learning, that the best teacher in photography is trying and trying again until I get it the way I want. Yes, read the books, go to the workshops, ask questions of people with more experience, but then just do it. Fear of failure is my worst enemy. I have always loved shots using water and colorful food together. So, I thought I would try. I know I can improve, but here are some examples of my first try. I have a few tips for those who are trying new things like this. And keep in mind I am still learning.

1.) Decide where you want the light to come from. The best light for water shots is not usually straight on, if you want to see the outline of the drops. A darker background helps too. I moved my light around until it was shining through the way I wanted it to.

2.) Don’t just shoot it one way. Try several angles and different focal lengths. Also, walk around your subject and see all the different viewpoints. You may be surprised by what you find.

3.) Have fun. Shoot until what you see on the lcd screen makes you smile. ( unless you are shooting film.)

4.) Leave the voices behind. This is just you, your camera and some vegetables.:) I find that shooting still life in tricky lighting situations is helpful to prepare me for my people shots. The pressure is off, and you can relax and think about what you are doing and learning.

Of course, most of what I have learned in photography applies to other areas of my life too. In summary, look for the light, look for a different perspective, find your joy, and leave the negative voices behind. Sounds like a plan.

Happy Monday night- Tuesday morning ya’ll!

Sweet Pepper Splash

Red and Yellow Explosion

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1 Comment

  • Reply cmo May 10, 2011 at 8:01 am

    you are a splash of color and light.

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