365 Project 2011

365 Project Day 251: An Afternoon at Maddox Feed & Seed

September 8, 2011

Maddox Cousins

Canon 5D Mark ll, 50 1.2L, 1.6 aperture, 1/60 shutter, 500 ISO

I would like to introduce you to the wonderful family that owns and operates Maddox Feed & Seed in Jefferson, Georgia.  They are truly one of kindest and most generous families I know. And now that their babies are having babies, (like the sweet ones pictured above) their amazing heritage will go on and on. We felt welcomed and loved the very first time we set foot in their store over 12 years ago. They aren’t just nice people who run a local store, they are neighbors who care about their community. Johnny absolutely loves going down there and “chewing the fat” with whomever is in one of the green rockers they keep beside the cash register. He has often gone there for hunting advice, and the Maddox boys, Josh and Caleb have always been willing to help. They are genuinely interested in helping him, a rare thing to find today. When Johnny shot his first deer, he and Chris drove after dark in the cold to Josh’s house, who showed him how to skin and clean a deer properly. Where else can you find people like that?

Ted with a Friendly Neighbor

Janice and Ted are the Momma and Daddy of the clan. I am convinced they are where all this richness started. They are followers of Christ,  and it isn’t uncommon to find them counseling customers or asking for prayer for someone who isn’t there.  Just today I overheard Ted endeavoring to lead someone to Christ the next aisle over in the store. Authentic and wonderful, that’s what they are.  He is passionate about life and God and she is compassionate with people. A great team.

Janice Always Smiling

Terri the Beautiful

One of the first years we lived here, we had a mare that was in foal and a cold snap hit. It was after hours and I didn’t have a blanket for her. I was worried she would colic. I called Janice and Ted, and they brought a blanket to my farm. I will never forget that. Kindness is a powerful tool and they use it well.

Josh Fixing Johnny's Bow

Today, Johnny got a new bow, and was excited to take it to their store to show it to them and get some guidance on techniques and tools. Caleb had gone for the day, (so I didn’t get his picture), but Josh was there and helped him figure some things out. In the photo above, he is putting a new nock on his bowstring for him. Then Johnny and Garrett, another fine grandson in the Maddox family, were ready for some target practice out back.

So Manly

Team Orange

Peas in a Pod

The bottom line is, I adore these people. All of them. I could spend my afternoons there and just listen and laugh, and learn things about life. If you ever get to Jefferson, Georgia, plan a trip to Maddox Feed & Seed. You can get food for your horses, cows, chickens, dogs and cats, and lots of other creatures. You can find seeds for your garden and for your life. You will most certainly gain some new friends, get prayer if you need it, or find Jesus. It’s all there at Maddox Feed & Seed. 🙂

Cousin Giggles

Handsome Garrett

Come on Down

Ya'll Come Back Now, Ya Hear?

Proverbs 11:25 ~ “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

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  • Reply kmo September 8, 2011 at 11:19 pm

    ah! love it!!

  • Reply Joray Lockridge September 9, 2011 at 5:05 am

    I also buy all my farm items from Ted and Janice..I have lived in Jackson County for 22 years. I have so enjoyed this county and it’s people. You did a wonderful job capturing their kindness and warmth.

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