Canon 5D Mark ll, 50 1.2L, 1.2 aperture, 1/60 shutter, 800 ISO
Our Katie left today for a new adventure. We all had to have our turn hugging and holding her. We are grieving the end of a season, and surrendering to a new one. She is off to graduate school at the esteemed Wake Forest University. We are so very proud of her. She will broaden her horizons and strengthen her wings. But, we will miss our Katie. There is none like her. So loving, so kind and compassionate. She is a stable presence, always defending the underdog. It is almost a joke at our house to pick on someone in her presence, just to watch Katie rise up to defend them. She loves justice. Chris has nicknamed her that. “Oh, simmer down, Justice,” he will say to her, trying to get a rise out of her. She will often concede the point and laugh with us, because she knows she is this way. She is loyal almost to a fault, just like her daddy. I am so glad she is like him.
There are few things that will bless a mother more than to have her children love each other. Mine do, and for this I am very grateful. It touched me deeply to see them hugging and gathering around each other today. Even Johnny is a softy at heart. Oh me, how I love them all.
I also have to say how grateful I am for Chris’ mom and dad, Mary Alice and Jim, who will be taking care of Katie in Winston-Salem. They are an incredible blessing to us, and I know she is in good hands.
Thank you, Grandma Mary and Grandpa Jim. You are a treasure to us all.
When I watched her car go down the driveway today, I couldn’t help but feel one of the very best parts of me was leaving too. She is my first. My Katie. Katherine Anne. Her name means pure grace, and it suits her well.
I love you, my Katie, and I look forward to see what God has for you. The world awaits.
Katie has written a beautiful song called “Stars”. Check it out on the Play Chase Music site here. You will love it!
Shedding my own tears half way through this blog. I love the love of your family. You are blessed, Mary Anne. Being a part of your family and seeing them grow up leaves me feeling sad, too, in some weird way. Yes, Katie has always had a special spirit about her that is compassionate and genuine. May Jesus’ angels surround her and protect her in this next chapter.
You and Chris have raised your children to be wonderful people. You make Jesus proud!
[…] didn’t let her out my sight much this week. This one. Not after the other one left on Sunday. They are flying out of the nest left and right around here. Keeps a mother bird on […]
I was just thinking today oh how I hope my girls love & encourage one another & not drive each other crazy like some many families. I so admire how well you & Chris have raised these kids, how well you’ve carried what God has entrusted to you! I love you! Also, the photo of Chris’s dad kissing his mom, looks JUST LIKE CHRIS when he kisses you! So sweet