Canon 5D Mark ll, 50 1.2L, 2.0 aperture, 1/125, 100 ISO
Katie has been trying to plan a surprise going away party for Annie for weeks now. However, Annie has been trying to plan her own going away party. Every time Annie would bring it up with the family, Katie would get an “oh, me” look on her face, and roll her eyes. It was pretty difficult. Enter Annie’s friend Kate to the rescue, who announced to Annie last minute that she had tickets to a “festival” and that she wanted to take her as a going away present. Annie of course agreed. She loves Kate, and she loves “festivals”, whatever that may entail. Kate instead brought Annie to the dinner Katie had planned for her, with many of her friends. The above photo was Annie’s response. Priceless. It was a fun party. It warmed my heart to see how many people came out to tell Annie they loved her and that they would miss her as she travels to England for her next semester.
Here are just a few images of the fun we had. More party images to come as we hope to celebrate both girls this weekend at the house.:)
More fun to come soon. It will be a roller coaster week, I am sure. You have probably heard how I feel about those. 🙂 Hmmmm.
1 Comment
love it! great pictures 🙂 fun party. Glad it all turned out well