Canon 5D Mark ll, 100 2.8 macro, 3.2 aperture, 1/320 shutter, 160 ISO ~ Accidentally. Should have been 100 or below.
In case you ever wonder if God loves you, look at the flowers. They are scattered on the earth like wild and brilliant love letters, releasing their fragrant songs of adoration. They fall from the trees when the breezes blow, kissing our faces, hands and feet. ” I love you” they whisper, relaying the message over and over again. ” I love you”.
They are robed in splendor, like their Creator, as they stretch their arms wide to shine and to worship Him. “He is God”, they sing. I hear them. The jewels of the earth, popping out of the cracked places, the places that were once desolate. They bring joy and comfort, and remind us.
“He is God, and He loves you”.
I John 3:1 “See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” (NLV)
He is God and He loves you.
these are pretty the first one is even in the light of that exposer. Love how you added beautiful thoughts to this as well.
I love the last one. It would be great in a canvass!