Murphy Representing
Okay this is a tough blog for me to post. The pups are 7 weeks tomorrow and they will be leaving soon. I will probably not get to do another portrait shoot with them. My heart aches a bit as I write this. I am such a mom. My days have been very busy though. It kind of goes like this: Wake up at 4 am and feed pups and get them to calm down because they want to go out. Clean out puppy litter tray and go back to bed. 6:30 am get up and take pups to outside pen to play while I clean their indoor pen. Go outside with them and play with them. Bring them in one by one because they tend to run in all directions when loose and then feed them again. Wipe them down with baby wipes and check them for ticks. They then sleep for a couple hours and we do it all again every 2 hours for the entire day until 11 pm. Flop into bed and fall deeply asleep. Repeat at 4am.
Here is what I am leaving out. ~ Lots and lots of snuggles and kisses. Telling them how sweet and wonderful and good they are. Praying over them. Checking to see if they are eating and drinking. Photographing them. Calling them by name and teaching them not to bite and to potty in the right places.
I am a puppy mom. I will be so sad to see them go.
They have wonderful homes. All of them. And all of them will have gotten the best start in life possible. I am foster puppy mom.
And yes there are tears ahead.
Oh and favorite puppy memory? Chris and I taking a blanket out to the outside pen at night and lying down right in the middle of them. We looked up at the stars and I laughed and giggled as they came up one by one licking our faces and biting on our ears. Sigh.
Okay, here they are in the order of their birth for the last time. You can see their 1 day old pictures here at maryannemorganblog.com/goldendoodle-puppies/.

Sweet Face Murphy
Chris calls him “old number 10” in his best Jimmy Stewart accent. He is named after Dale Murphy of the Atlanta Braves. He is my little athlete. I love his happy demeanor. He is always glad to see me.

So Sweet Murphy

Adorable Levi
Levi’s owner brought some Levi jeans for him be photographed with. He didn’t seem to mind. Happy, snuggly Levi. This puppy loves to cuddle. I think I will miss his kisses and hugs the most. His blue eyes take me off guard often. What a precious boy.

Handsome Levi

Cuddly Levi

Curious Levi

Dapper Curtis
Curtis’s owner brought him a blue polka dot bow tie for his picture. I think it suits him. This puppy is so sweet natured. He is very calm. He walks up to me often like “Hi. Can I sit in your lap?” I love him. Precious Curtis!

Adorable Curtis

Sleepy Curtis

Teddy with Bearly
I let Teddy hold onto Bearly, Katie’s favorite childhood bear, for his portraits. They look so much alike! It’s hard not to say “awwwww” when you see Teddy. He just has the curliest face and sweetest blue eyes. Teddy loves to snuggle too. His owners will love him and he will love them back. Precious Teddy.

Sweet Teddy

Bear Snuggle


Adorable Duke
Duke! This is officially my leader puppy. He is the first to do everything (including figuring out how to get out of his pen today). He is so social and never meets a stranger. He and his owner are perfectly matched. I see lots of good times for them ahead. I love this boy.

Hi There Duke

Sweet-Faced Duke

Beautiful Bella
Bella is my quiet and graceful beauty. She has long legs and walks softly like a dancer. She is also calm and rarely barks or whines. She is always observing, but is not afraid to come ask for a kiss and hug. She is my beautiful Bella.

Listening Bella

Gentle Bella

Princess London
This curly-faced, soulful-eyed girl has stolen my heart. She is still Princess London. This dog has the most gentle spirit. She is my shy puppy. She is slow to give your her trust but once you have it she will be all about you. She is such a sweet girl. I will miss you London. You are a bright spot in my day.

What Crown?

Okay, I’ll Wear It

Precious Scarlet
Alas, the perfectly sweet Scarlet. She has a big heart and spirit. I love her little bark, which she uses often to tell the others what to do. She is probably my second in command. You wouldn’t know it from this sweet face, but she is kind of in charge of everyone. Well, except Duke. I love this little face. She melts my heart with every glance. Yeah, crying when she leaves.

Who Me?

Can I get back to running the pen?
Be blessed my little puppies. You will always have a piece of my heart. Take good care of your new owners.
your foster puppy mom.
First up – I’m not a dog person. At all. But I have LOVED THESE PHOTOS. These are the most adorable doggies I have ever seen in my life and you have taken the most fabulous pictures in the history of pet-picture-taking. (Not that I’ve seen a lot of those – but still, you’re the best.) What a grand job you have done getting them ready for their new homes – such lucky owners. Just wonderful, from start to finish.
I will be sad when they are gone. I have so enjoyed these puppies!!!
Have truly enjoyed all your puppy pics. Delightful! I know it will be hard to part with them. We used to raise litters of Keeshond pups when the girls were little. What precious memories.
It has been such a blessing to see these puppies grow up through your photographs. I could barely get through reading for the tears. Their faces just melt my heart.
With love to foster puppy mom,
What a beautiful post! We have enjoyed these beautiful pictures over the last 7 weeks! Watching a family grow and be cared for (as only you can do) has been a blessing.! Bruce & I can only imagine how much you’re going to miss them…our hearts and prayers are with you! Thank you for sharing this season with us thru your blog.
These are without a doubt some of the cutest puppies I have ever seen and their pictures are adorable. What a beautiful gift to give their new families . You seem to know how to make everything special!
Love you for loving them…
[…] Cannot stop smiling at these photos – […]
Oh. My. Goodness. I want one!!!!! 🙂 Those are the cutest little puppies ever-AMAZING job photographing them, Mary Anne! (And congrats on getting featured on Ann Voskamp’s blog! WOW!!!) 🙂
God bless you fellow foster mom! I have been a puppy foster for years. I rescue puppies from death row in dog pounds and sometimes from the side of a country road where they’ve been dumped…my mission -to heal their traumatized bodies and souls, teaching them how to be part of a human family and how to live in a home. In turn, they teach me about forgiveness, redemption, and God like unconditional love. I pray for my puppies too! Because I know they are angels cloaked in fur, and God has a mission for them to complete on this earth. Then I have to let them go…and, like you, I always cry over every one of them. Finally someone who understands! Thank you for sharing these pups with us and for sharing your foster mom heart.