Sleepy Luna
Okay I can’t stand it. These babies are so sweet and precious. They are growing so fast! As of this post we have one baby left. Red collar boy is still available. Email me at maryannemorgan@mac.com for a puppy application if you are interested in him.
Had to do another Christmas theme with these sweethearts. Enjoy their 5 week old pictures. They are listed in their birth order always.
(To read about the parents click here https://www.maryannemorganblog.com/2014-fall-goldendoodle-puppies/)

Blue collar boy is now Lincoln and has a wonderful home in Atlanta. I am so excited he is going to stay close by!

Sweet Lincoln

Precious Payton
Payton was feeling a little camera shy this time so I got a nice profile picture. She is my precious little bit. Just love my Payton.

Get my good side

Santa Paris
Paris wasn’t sure about wearing the Santa hat but I promised her she looked adorable. I don’t think she believed me. This little girl is so laid back and shy. I love her.

Serious Paris

Adorable Luna
This face! Oh my goodness Luna’s little face get’s me every single time. “What hat?” she says.

Hello Luna

Silly Maggie
Purple collar girl is now Maggie and I adore that name for her. She has the funniest expressions. She looks like she is pondering some deep things here. I just adore her!

Lovely Maggie

Light blue collar is now Jax and will be living in Williamsburg VA. I am so happy for his new family and for him. He said he preferred no hat. Look at his blue eyes!

I see you, Jax

Handsome Red
As of this post Red collar is still available but I don’t think he will be for long. We are okay if he stays though. He is such a joy!

Laid Back Red

Content Scarlett
Scarlett is so easy to photograph. She is pretty much okay with whatever we do. Love her sweet little face and dark hair.

Posing Scarlett
What joy these photos bring me!!!!
My favorite photos so far. Probably because Christmas is my favorite holiday
I love the Christmas theme. They are adorable