Sleepy Puppy Pile

Puppy Love
Well the puppies are 2 weeks old today and they are changing so fast. Most of them have opened their eyes and they are beginning to attempt to walk, which is really adorable to watch. Photographing puppies is much harder than I would have thought, but here is my attempt to update you on their progress. The puppies below are pictured in the order of their birth. We still have two females who need loving homes and I am praying for those homes every day. This has been very good for me. I have been able to rest from the crazy pace of my life and just sit with these precious babies. It’s a lot like having a newborn baby. No place to be but here, and I love that.
If you want more puppy pictures and videos, be sure to follow me on instagram at http://instagram.com/magbug where it’s all puppies all the time.
If you are interested in pink or red collar girl, email me maryannemorgan@mac.com

Green collared puppy is now named Murphy by his new family. He was very sleepy and declined comment, but I think he loves his new name. He is named after Dale Murphy of the Braves.

Sleepy Murphy

Sweet Levi
Blue collared puppy is now named Levi by his new owner. He is a very lucky boy. I love his little whiskers and bright eyes.

Little Levi

Orange collared puppy’s new name is Curtis. He is the sweetest boy. He also preferred sleep over a portrait session.

Sleepy Curtis

Mr. yellow collared boy’s new name is Teddy. I think it suits him. He looks like a little teddy bear to me.

Teddy Bear

Baby Duke
White collared boy is now named Baby Duke by his new owner. What a cuddle bug he is!


Sweet Pink
Pink collared girl is still waiting for her happy family. I know someone will scoop her up any day now. She is going to be a beautiful girl.

Cuddly Pink

Purple collar girl is now Miss London. I couldn’t be happier about her new home. I know she will have a lot of love around her.

Sleepy London

Sweet Red
Red collared girl is also still available. Johnny and I love this girl. She is his favorite. She is soft and sweet and snuggly. She is also independent and often sleeps apart from the group. I love her two white back feet.

Cuddly Red
If you are interested in pink or red collared girl, email me at maryannemorgan@mac.com
Another update in a week!
These puppies are adorable. Your pictures make me think I am right there with them. I am also praying for wonderful homes for all of them. You are a good puppy Mom!!
Your puppies are too cute! and of course their mama Janey! So precious. I’m just curious my dog will be having puppies of her own soon. Any tips in taking care of them? and their mama? I’ll be new to all of this and have no clue what to do lol….Also, I love your puppy collars. What did you use to make them? Thank you! -Dariel